303 East Third Street
Waverly, Ohio 45690
Phone: 740-947-5175
Email: fbc@waverly.net
Organized: 1953
PASTOR: Rev. Josh Remy
Sunday School - 9:15am
Sunday Worship - 10:30am
Sunday Worship - 6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study - 6:45pm
Wednesday AWANAS - 6:45pm
Wednesday Youth- 6:45pm
Wednesday R.A.G.E- 6:45pm
Membership: 1121
Worship Attendance: 185
Sunday School Average: 150
Vacation Bible School: 100
Prayer Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Praise and Worship Team
Nursing Home Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
Women's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Location: Pike County
Population of Waverly: 4,395
Community: 3.9 square miles
Average age: 50
Average Income: $44,945
Ancestry-German, United States
Time To Work: 28 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Piketon – 4.4 miles
- Beaver – 12.8 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services
- Manufacturing
- Waverly High School
- North Junior High School
- West Intermediate School
- East Primary School

In September 1953, four families met together at the Waverly Presbyterian Church, forming the first service of the Waverly Baptist Mission. First Baptist Church of Athens assumed sponsorship.
The Waverly Baptist Mission grew by leaps and bounds. It was not long before the mission saw the need for thier own building. On Saturday, February 29, 1954, the Waverly Baptist Mission organized a one-day church raising. Beginning at 7:30am a crew of 45 men started to work on the vacant lot in Green Acres. At 4:00pm they held a Thanksgiving service in a completed church building.
First Baptist Church Waverly constituted on April 29, 1954 with 86 members.
In May 1954, an educational wing was added to the existing structure. It became apparent that the church needed more space. A study was one on the feasibility of building on the current Green Acres property or to relocate. In 1955, the current Third Avenue site was recommended to purchase. Groundbreaking services were held in February 1955. With assistance from the Home Mission Board, a loan was acquired for $15,000 and the work proceeded. With the exception of pouring floors and the plastering the ceiling, the entire job was executed by the men of the church.
The next phase of building came on April 16, 1979 when the construction of a new sanctuary with seating capacity of 340 was begun. This building consisted of a full basement to be used as educational space and a fellowship hall. The total cost of construction for this building was $227,000. The old sanctuary was partitioned off and utilized as classrooms. On October 14, 1979, the new facilities were used for the first time.
A new parsonage was purchased in 1991 and remodeled in 1992. The old parsonage was torn down and used as parking facilities.
More property was purchased to make room for the New Life Center. On July 16, 1998, a groundbreaking ceremony was held. The cost of this project was $600,000. A dedication service was held in May 1999. This center has been named the "Lloyd Francis Life Center" after a dedicated member of the church. The church utilizes this center for many events. The 2003 annual meeting of the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio in the center making it the first time ever that the convention has met in Scioto Valley Baptist Association. The church was able to retire the debt on this center in 2006.
In 2005, First Baptist Church began the planning stage for a new work in Beaver, Ohio. This mission began in 2006 and constituted as First Baptist Church, Beaver in 2008.
In 2016, First Baptist Church Waverly assumed the sponsorship of The Crossing Baptist Church in Proctorville, Ohio.
A bus ministry has brought many new families into the church. AWANA ministry meets on Wednesday evenings for the children. The church has had a large youth group throughout the years. The congregation has been involved in Shoe Box Ministry, World Changers, Loving Heart Ministry and We Care Ministry.