41872 Pomeroy Pike
Pomeroy, Ohio 45769
Phone: 740-992-6779
Email: fsbc@fsbcpomeroy.com
Organized: 1974
PASTOR: Vacant
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Worship - 10:45am
Sunday Youth Group- 6:00pm
Sunday Worship - 7:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study, Youth - 7:00pm
Membership: 300
Worship Attendance: 92
Sunday School Average: 78
Vacation Bible School: 61
Prayer Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Music Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
Jail Ministry
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Bus Ministry
Location: Meigs County
Population of Pomeroy: 1843
Community: 3.2 square miles
- River Community
Average age: 39
Average Income: $22.154
Ancestry-United States, German
Time To Work: 21 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Mason, WV – 0.6 miles
- Middleport, OH – 2.7 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services
- Meigs County High School
- Pomeroy Elementary School
- Salisbury Elementary School
- Harrisonville Elementary School

A radio ministry, under the direction of George Bryant, preceded the first Meigs County Fellowship meeting held August 22,1968, in the home of Hershel and Rojean McClure, Pomeroy. Home fellowships rotated between homes until the organization of the First Southern Baptist Chapel, Meigs County on April 3, 1969. Regular Sunday and Thursday evening services started under the sponsorship of French City Southern Baptist Church, Gallipolis. Services were held at 220 East Main Street in Pomeroy. The first service had 23 in attendance with George Bryant, pastoral missionary, from McArthur leading.
The first VBS was held July 1969 in the Pomeroy Elementary School with an enrollment of 56 and averaged 42. October 5,1969, Sunday School, morning and evening services were started. George Bryant served as misison pastor. After George Bryant resigned, Clifford Coleman was called as Pastoral Missionary for Vinton and Meigs Counties and began serving the Chapel. Property was purchased at 282 Mulberry Avenue in the spring of 1971. The first services were held on May 23, 1971. In the spring of 1972, a garage which was connected to the house was remodeled for a sanctuary. On April 21, 1971, the Chapel constituted with 53 members.
Bradley Spencer was called as the first pastor on July 1, 1974. After his resignation in November of 1975, Paul White as called as pastor on April 10, 1976. He led the church to purchase the present property with a Site Fund Loan for $11,112.00 through the Home Mission Board in the summer of 1977. Brother White resigned in July of 1978. Paul Silvus was called as interim pastor in November 1978. He resigned in June of 1979. On October 5, 1980, William Newman was called as pastor. He resigned April 4, 1982.
The church built their first unit on the present property with the help of Carpenters for Christ from Rosebuck Park Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama in June 1982. First services were held in the building on July 4, 1982. David Hunt was called as pastor on August 15, 1982. He resigned August 18, 1985.
Bro. Lamar O'Bryant was called as pastor on January 1, 1968. In 1987, the builidng was remodeled with space added to the sanctuary to double the size of the choir. The outside of the building was landscaped with the parking lot doubled. A "Together We Build" program raised $70,000 for building and educational building in 1989. The building allowed for 17 Sunday School classrooms, kitchen and fellowship hall. Enlargement of the sanctuary had also taken place. In 1995, a "Prophet's Room was completed for visiting evangelist, missionaries and others ministering to the church. In 1998 and 1999 parking facilities were paved. The fellowship hall was divided for Sunday Shool space.
The sponsorship of Lakeview Baptist Chapel, Hamden was assumed in 1997. The first unit of this mission was erected by First Southern Baptist Church,, Meigs County. This congregation is currently reaching the Hamden community for the cause of Christ.
In January 1999, Marty O'Bryant was called as a part-time Music Director. Later in 2013, he as called as a Pastoral Assistant.
In 2002, this congregation answered God's call to sponsor another mission located in Kerr, Ohio. Countyside Baptist Chapel was formed and constituted in 2008.
A house adjacent to the church was purchased in 2006. The congregation was able to pay off their mortgage in 2006. Bro. Lamar O'Bryant retired in 2007 after serving First Southern Baptist Church for 21 years. Bro. David Brainard was called as pastor in 2009.
First Southern Baptist Church has been actively involved in reaching their community for Christ. Such events are community hog roast; Gospel Music concerts at the levee; monthly lunch for merchants; feeding of the high school football team and track team; and an active jail ministry.