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74 Broadway (PO Box 96)
Coalton, Ohio  45621
Phone:  740-288-0078
Organized:  1981 


PASTOR:  Rev. H. Frank Doenges
Sunday School - 9:45am
Sunday Worship - 11:00am
Sunday Worship - 6:00pm
.Wednesday - 7:00pm

Membership: 69
Worship Attendance: 9
Sunday School Average: 12
Prayer Ministry

Location:  Jackson County
Population of Coalton:  472
Community:  0.5 square miles
Average age:  37
Average Income:  $27,484
Ancestry:  United States, Irish
Time To Work:  33 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Jackson – 4.6 miles
- Wellston – 5.6 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services
- Manufacturing, Retail Service
- None in the village of Coalton


Friendship Baptist Church.jpg

Friendship Baptist Church in Coalton, Ohio began on January 1, 1978 as a mission of Faith Baptist Church of Wellston, Ohio.  The first meeting place was held at the Coalton Elementary School.  Randy Wood served as the first mission pastor.  Teachers for the Sunday School were Charles and Linda Stansberry from Faith Baptist Church of Wellston, Ohio and Romana and Paul Ingram from Emmanuel Baptist Church of Jackson, Ohio.

On October 11, 1981, Friendship Baptist Church constituted with 70 charter members.  The pastor at this time was John Wood.  In 1982, the present day property was purchased.

In 1985, Friendship Baptist Church voted to sponsor a new work in a neighboring community, Jackson, Ohio.  Fellowship Baptist Chapel became this new mission.  Later they constituted into a church.

The building debt was paid in the full amount in 1987.  New chairs were purchased for the sanctuary in 2000.  The outside of the building took a new look in 2002 with new siding and windows.  A lighted sign was placed on the building in 2004, enbabling the community to better identify the church.

Mission Teams have made an important impact on Friendship Baptist Church.  In 2004, a team from South Carolina ministered to the community with a Vacation Bible School and helped with renovations.  2005, a team from East Newman Baptist Church, Georgia remodeled the fellowship hall and upstairs.  Mini Vacation Bibe School, Block Party and minor repairs were provided by a team from Sparta, Tennessee during 2010.

Reaching out into the community, Bible Studies were held in the Nursing Home, Senior Citizen Center and Assisted Living Centers in 2011. A Weekly Bible Study was held during 2013 at the Senior Adult Apartments in Coalton.

On July 15, 2012, Friendship Baptist Church voted to sponsor Faith Baptist Chapel, Proctorville.  To celebrate this partnership, a combined service was held.  Mission Pastor, Chuck McCormick, preached in the morning service at the mother church. Later Frank Doenges, Pastor  of Friendship Baptist Church, preached in the mission's morning service.

In 2013, a ministry support group was begun with Friendship Baptist Church partnering with Christian  Motorcycle Association Redeem Riders in hosting their monthly officer meeting. This opportunity has since produced a monthly Bible Study.

Friendship Baptist Church is strategically located on the corner  of State Route 93 and Broadway.  This church continues to be a lighthouse in this community.


Mailing Address:


     Scioto Valley Baptist Association

     P.O. Box 511
     155 Walnut Street
     Jackson, OH  45640


Contact Information:


    Jack Helton

    SVBA Consultant

    (614) 309-9738



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