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76 Spring Street
Glouster, Ohio  45732
Phone:  740-767-2141
Organized:  2000


PASTOR:  Rev. Phillip Westenbarger

Sunday School - 10:00am
Sunday Worship - 11:00am
Wednesday - 6:30pm Prayer
Wednesday- 7:00pm Bible Study


Membership:  29
Worship Attendance:  28
Sunday School Average: 23
Vacation Bible School:  55
Prayer Ministry
Music Ministry
Youth Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Hope Center


Location:  Athens County
Population of Glouster: 1788
Community: 1.3 square miles
Average age:  36
Average Income:  $21,850
Ancestry:  Irish, German
Travel To Work: 38 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Trimble – 1.2 miles
- Jacksonville – 1.9 miles
- Education, Health Services
- Social Services
- Trimble High School
- Trimble Middle School
- Trimble Elementary School
- Home Union Elementary



Glouster Baptist Mission in Glouster, Ohio began on February 8, 1979 in the home of Alfred and Yvonne Short of 24 Fairlawn, Glouster, Ohio with six people from the community. Sponsorship was by Rolling Hills Baptist Church of Athens, Ohio.  On June 10, 1979 services began at the old Nazarene Church (Spring and Broad Street) in Glouster.  The congregation purchased this property later in 1983 from the Nazarene Conference for $4,000. William Greene was called as the mission's first pastor. In October 1979, Greg Syner became the mission pastor.  James McCamish accepted the call as mission pastor in October 1980.

During Rev. McCamish's leadership, the mission prospered.  Tracy Short became a summer missionary working in the Scioto Valley Baptist Association for ten weeks.  In 1982 Carpenters for Christ completely remodeled the building adding two more Sunday school rooms in the basement and a kitchen. Women’s Ministries, a Nursery, a Bus Ministry, Youth Training classes, Children’s choir, and ongoing outreach to Hickory Creek Nursing Home were a few of the special ministries of the mission.

In 1985 the youth of the mission was a primary focus with cookouts, pizza parties, picnics, Easter egg hunts and youth meetings. 

In 1988 the mission started a visitation program on Thursday evenings. A cottage prayer program was also begun meeting in member’s homes.

Vacation Bible School has always been an exciting event of the mission. A high attendance of 105 was observed in the 1980's for Vacation Bible School.

Grace Baptist Church of McArthur, Ohio, assumed the sponsorship of the Glouster Mission in 1997. Dr. Ralph Short was called as mission pastor in 2000.  After many years, Glouster Southern Baptist Church was constituted on August 27, 2000.

During the flood of Spring 2004, the church graciously opened the facilities to be used by the Ohio Baptist Emergency Child Care Unit. A safe place for young children to come while parents clean up after a flood was the mission of this team. The Glouster Southern Baptist Church answered this plea.   

Sister churches from within Scioto Valley Baptist Association came together during the Summer of 2005 to revamp the sanctuary and replacement of windows.  There was over 25 individuals from the Associaton involved in this project.  The Association's churches raised over $6,000 for this effort.  Also during this summer, the Youth Group from Sharon Baptist Church, Ironton and a mission team from Lexington, Kentucky added to this ministry with Sports Camp, VBS and etc.

A Back To School Mission Event was held on August 10-13, 2008 with the help of Bob and Susan Lockert from Grace Baptist Church, Fayetteville, North Carolina.  Over 200 children received book bags, winter coats, notebooks, folders and other school supplies.  A free Spaghetti Dinner fed over 120 people.  Another Back to School Bash was held in Glouster Park in 2010 with a Hot Dinner Dinner.

The exterior of the church facilities were remodeled during the summers of 2012 and 2013 by North Brook Baptist Chruch, South Carolina.  The roof was replaced along with a fresh coat of paint on the exterior.  A central air conditioner unit was donated to the church.  Sports camps and dramas were held at the public square for the community.

With the aid of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Logan, Glouster Southern Baptist Church was able to call Phillip Westenbarger as pastor in 2013.  Also with Ebenezer Baptist's assistance, the congregation has opened a Hope Clothing Center in the heart of Glouster.  The Youth from Ebenezer Baptist assisted the congregation in Glouster with Vacation Bible School during the Summer of 2014.

Several individuals have received Christ throughout  the years.  Baptismal services are sometimes held at Burr Oak State Park Lake.  Glouster Southern Baptist Church has many unique opportunities for ministry to the community.


Mailing Address:


     Scioto Valley Baptist Association

     P.O. Box 511
     155 Walnut Street
     Jackson, OH  45640


Contact Information:


    Jack Helton

    SVBA Consultant

    (614) 309-9738



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