570 Grant Street
Middleport, Ohio 45760
Phone: 740-992-5334
Organized: 1989
PASTOR: Rev. Ron Branch
Sunday School - 9:45am
Sunday Worship - 11:00am
Sunday Worship - 6:00pm
Wednesday - 7:00pm
Membership: 89
Worship Attendance: 32
Sunday School Average: 32
Vacation Bible School: 65
Women's Ministries
Children's Ministries
Location: Meigs County
Population of Middleport: 2506
Community: 1.8 square miles
- River Community
Average age: 45
Average Income: $24,197
Ancestry-German, United States
Time To Work: 24 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Mason, WV – 2.3 miles
- Pomeroy, Ohio – 2.7 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services
- Transportation, Warehousing
- Utilities
- Meigs Middle School
- Middleport Elementary School
- Bradbury Elementary School

The vision of a Southern Baptist Church in Middleport, Ohio began when Rev. Jerry Lewis, pastor of French City Baptist Church, Gallipolis, communicated with Rev. Bobby Elkins regarding coming to their mission at Burlingham and also beginning a new work in Middleport In December 1975. Bobby Elkins accepted the call and moved to the field January 25, 1976. Hope Baptist Church began as a Bible Study group the following Tuesday night, meeting in the home of Larry and Sue Bailey with seven in attendance. The study later was moved to the pastor's home on Main Street in Middleport.
Seeing the need for a permanent location, the present property located at 570 Grant Street was pruchased in 1976. Two existing buidings were utilized for Sunday School classes. worship and fellowship hall. There was adequate land for additional facilities in the future. Dedication services were held on May 8, 1977.
The First Southern Baptist Church, Pomeroy, assumed the sponsorship of the mission in 1984.
September 1984, Buckeye Baptist Builders helped in renovations of the building. Blood River Baptist Association bought a Steeple for the building in December of 1986.
Constitution services were held on October 1, 1989. Seeing the need for additional space, the present brick building was erected in 1992 in front of the house. Dedication services were held on March 1, 1993.
During the 1990's Hope Baptist Church owned a vacant house adjacent to the church. The congregation graciously opened the house to two different missionary families while on furlough.
A mission team from Parkland Baptist Church, Louisville Kentucky arrived in 2004. With 32 youth and 24 adults in the group, they provided Back Yard Bible Clubs, Sports Camp and helped in some minor renovations. God blessed this time with 12 people being saved.
A highlight of the ministry at Hope Baptist Church has always been Vacation Bible School. This outreach has been very successful in reaching the children in the Middleport community. The church continues to minster within the Middleport community.