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37610 State Route 93
Hamden, Ohio  45634
Phone:  740-384-2806
Sponsorship:  First Southern Baptist Church, Pomeroy
Organized:  1997


PASTOR:  Vacant
Sunday School -10:00am
Sunday Worship- 11:00am
Sunday Worship- 7:00pm

Membership: 20
Worship Average:  20
Sunday School Average:  15
Vacation Bible School:  34
Children's Ministries


Location:  Vinton County
Population of Hamden:  871
Community:  0.6 square miles
Average age:  40
Average Income:  $30,098
Ancestry-German, United States
Time To Work:  30 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Wellston – 2.9 miles
- McArthur – 6.7 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services
- West Elementary School


Lakeview July 13, 2014.JPG

The vision of planting a church in Hamden, Ohio began as early as 1971.  Grace Baptist Church, McArthur surveyed the area in August of that year.  The goal of this survey was to see what possibilities were for a work in the Hamden area.  It was not until 1982 this became a reality.

Hamden Baptist Chapel was the 42nd new work in The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio new start campaign "104 Miracles in 1982/1983"  A Home Bible Study was started in the home of Robert and Omega Holtz, 14 Chillicothe Street Hamden, Ohio on February 25, 1982.

James Butcher, Chairman of Deacons of the sponsoring church, Faith Baptist Church, Wellston, conducted the Home Bible Study Fellowship in 1982.  The congregation was able to rent a house at 42 Monahan Avenue.  After remodeling the house for Sunday School and worship space, the Chapel began to grow.  On May 16, 1982, the first Sunday services was held with 26 in Sunday School.  Resources were limited, even using outdated literature.  Their spirits were endless. The first pianist was 82 years old.

During the leadership of William James, a 14 x 70 mobile home was purchased.  This was for educational space and other activities.

A 5 1/2 acre site on State Route 92 North of Hamden over looking Lake Rupert was purchased with the aid of Home Mission Board Site Fund in 1989 for $20,000.  Lakeview Baptist Church was constituted on August 27, 1989 with 26 members.  Mrs. Connie Remy was the r convert.

Due to unfortunate circumstances, Lakeview Baptist Church disbanded on August 20, 1995.  All of the assets were turned over the Scioto Valley Baptist Association.  The association assumed The Home Mission Board Loan of $18,000 at $200 a month.

Converting back to mission status, First Southern Baptist Church, Pomeroy assumed sponsorship of the work in Hamden in 1993.  Property and assets were transferred to the mother church.  Upon seeing a need to utitlize the site on State Route 93 a new building was erected on Labor Day weekend in 1997 by First Southern Baptist Church, Pomeroy.  Many of the sister churches of Scioto Valley Baptist Association participated in the construction.  Lakeview Baptist Chapel held their first services on that Sunday in their new facilities.

Looking for possible ministry outreach, the Chapel began a nursing home ministry to Huston Nursing Home, Hamden Ohio in 2005.  This ministry lasted several years.

See the need for restructuring, the present facilities were remodeled in 2009.  Tripling the size of the sanctuary was accomplished.  Additional Sunday School space was added along with a a new foyer and updated restrooms.

A partnership with Compassionate Ministries and Fellowship, Clyde, Ohio was held on May 4-5, 2012.  With the leadership of Bro. Dee Whaley (Clyde, Ohio) and Pastor Craig Brumbaugh, a weekend ministry event took place.  Over 200 families were fed hot dogs, baked beans and cake.  Essential food products and clothing was also distributed.

Lakeview Baptist Chapel has many opportunities to reach a community in need of Christ.


Mailing Address:


     Scioto Valley Baptist Association

     P.O. Box 511
     155 Walnut Street
     Jackson, OH  45640


Contact Information:


    Jack Helton

    SVBA Consultant

    (614) 309-9738



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