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2235 Rohr Road
Lockbourne, Ohio  43137
Phone:  614-491-4906
Organized:  1977


PASTOR:  Rev. Dave Warton
Sunday School - 10:00am
Sunday Worship - 11:00am
Sunday Worship - 7:00pm
Wednesday - 7:00pm


Membership: 188
Worship Attendance: 31
Sunday School Average:  11
Vacation Bible School:  35
Prayer Ministry
Day Care Ministry

Location:  Franklin County
Population of Lockbourne:  243
Community:  0.1 square miles
Average age:  36
Average Income:  $42,197
Ancestry:  German and English
Time To Work:  25 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Obetz – 5.1 miles
- Groveport – 6.4 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services
- Manufacturing, Transportation
- Utilities
- Hamilton South Elementary School


Rohr Road.JPG

In January 1977, The Hamilton Meadows Church closed, sold their building but retained six acres of land.  On August 28, 1977, 14 people attend a worship service at Hamilton Township High School.  From this service, Rohr Road Baptist Church was born,  A building committee was formed with plans being made to build on the six acres from the disbanded Hamilton Meadows Church.  August 1985, the church moved into the present buidling.  A fellowship hall and kitchen was built in 1990. In 1995, the church was able to pave the driveway and parking lot creating a beautiful facility.

For 16 years, Rohr Road Baptist Church, provided a ministry at the local senior citizen's center.  Preaching, Singing, Bible Study, and ministering to the residents were all part of this ministry.

For the first six months of the new church, Bro. Dennis Wolfe and Bro. Harold Young served as co-pastors.  Harold Young resigned to attend school in South Carolina.  Bro. Dennis Wofle remained as the pastor.

In 1995, Rohr Road voted to affiliated with Scioto Valley Baptist Association.  Formerly, they were associated with Metro Columbus Baptist Association.

During 2003-2004, Ralph Short served as Associate Pastor.  With the vision of new works, the congregation voted to sponsor a new work in The Plains, Ohio in 2003.  This work is now The Plains Baptist Church.

A group from Macon Baptist Association, Georgia arrived on June 8, 2008 to help with renovations and conducted a Vacation Bible School.  Part of this team ministered to First Baptist Church Ashville during their stay in Ohio.  This large team slept at the church with the YMCA graciously providing shower facilities.

Founding Pastor, Dennis Wolfe retired in 2010 after 35 years of ministry to Rohr Road Baptist Church. Bro. Dave Warton was then called as pastor.

Seeing the need in the community for adequate child care, the church voted to begin a Day Care Ministry in 2013.  The purpose of this ministry is not only to provide children with safe environment but to also minister to families.  Extensive renovations have been made to accommodate this endeavor.  During the summer of 2014 this center was opened.

Homecomings and Revivals have been a special emphasis throughout the years at Rhor Road Baptist Church.  Opportunities for ministry are great.


Mailing Address:


     Scioto Valley Baptist Association

     P.O. Box 511
     155 Walnut Street
     Jackson, OH  45640


Contact Information:


    Jack Helton

    SVBA Consultant

    (614) 309-9738



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