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1101 Cook Road
Lucasville, Ohio  45648
Phone:  740-497-2851
Organized:  1973


PASTOR:   Rev. Jesse Cook
Sunday School - 9:45am
Sunday Worship - 10:55am
Sunday Worship - 6:00pm
Wednesday - 6:00pm
Celebrate Recovery Mondays 6:00pm

Membership: 18
Worship Attendance: 25
Sunday School Average:  25
Bus/Van Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Weekly Visitation Ministry
Servant Evangelism Ministry
Youth Ministry


Location:  Scioto County
Population of Lucasville:  2,757
Community:  2.5 square miles
Average age:  32
Average Income:  $37,974
Ancestry-United States, German
Time To Work:  26 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Rosemont  – 6.8 miles
- West Portsmouth – 8.8 miles
- Manufacturing, Education
- Health Services
- Social Services
- Valley High School, Valley Middle School
- Valley Elementary School



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The first vision of a work in Lucasville started on August 1, 1965 with First Southern Baptist Church, Portsmouth as sponsor.  Forty-three people were enrolled with services being held in the Middle School on US 23.  In 1967, First Southern Portsmouth dropped sponsorship.  First Baptist Church, Waverly assumed the sponsorship of the new work.  Due to a pastor change at First Waverly the work was dropped.

In 1970, homes were being constructed in the Lucasville area.  The Ohio State Prison had been completed.  The Ernnest Bowman family, the Buel Wheeler family and the Richard Painter family saw the need for a Southern Baptist work in Lucasville.  These families committed themselves to a new work.  November 11, 1970, a home fellowship was begun in the home of Finely Harion.

The need for property was evident.  Property was purchased adjacent to the state prison on Cook Road in 1971.  Valley Baptist Chapel was formed with First Baptist Church, Logan assuming sponsorship.  By September, 44 were enrolled in Sunday School. Constitution services was held on November 17, 1973, changing the name to Cook Road Baptist Church.

The first unit on the present site consisted of a sanctuary and education space.  This was completed in September 1976.  Groundbreaking for a fellowship and education wing was on April 30, 1995, with dedication of the building on October 6, 1996.

Cook Road Baptist Church has been involved in the beginning of new works.  A mission was started in Wheelersburg but later closed.  Another attempt in Wheelersburg was successful.  The Freedom Southern Baptist Chapel was begun in 1997 and constituted in 2001.

2005 was a busy year for the church.  A note burning service was held.  Providence Baptist Church, Newman Georgia provided Vacation Bible School for the church.  A joint effort with Appalachian Regional Ministry, a group from Muskingum Baptist Association and the church, participated in a county fair outreach.  There were over 300 Bibles, 500 New Testaments, 1500 tracts and 150 gallons of water given out during the week.

A church van was purchased in 2007.  Balloons, Kites, Tracts, Bibles, Face Painting and over 240 gallons of water were given out at the country fair that year.

A mission team from Macon Baptist Association Georgia arrived in 2008 to aid in remodeling of the facilities.  They also provided Soccer Camps VBS and held revival services during the week.

Ongoing "Celebrate Recovery" began in 2011.  This ministry has been very successful in helping people to cope with their daily situations.

With a passion from  the pastor, Larry Parks, there has been an ongoing effort to begin a work in the city of Portsmouth, Ohio which has no Southern Baptist work.  In 2012, the church voted to sponsor a new work in Portsmouth.  North Spartan Baptist Association, South Carolina has partnered with Cook Road Baptist Church with this effort.  Numerous mission trips have taken place with emphasis in the Mound Park area.  With a lot of prayer and contacting, a possible mission planter was located in the Portsmouth area during the Spring of 2014.  A training meeting on planting a new work took place.  Surveys, Vacation Bible Schools, Sports Camps, Block Parties and Revivals have been an ongoing effort.  Marble Springs Baptist Church, North Carolina has also been a part of this effort.  Many of the Sister churches of Scioto Valley Baptist Association have also partnered with Cook Road Baptist Church in this mission outreach.  This effort is continuing.  The vision of the group is to see a new work in the Portsmouth area.

in 2015 the church remodeled the existing restrooms with the placement of showers in order to help for housing future mission team.

June 2017, Pastor Larry Parks retired.  Rev. Jesse Cook was called as pastor.  The congregation also decided upon changing the name of this ministry to "Missional Community Baptist Church".


Mailing Address:


     Scioto Valley Baptist Association

     P.O. Box 511
     155 Walnut Street
     Jackson, OH  45640


Contact Information:


    Jack Helton

    SVBA Consultant

    (614) 309-9738



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