6935 Township Road 234
Logan, Ohio 43138
Phone: 740-385-8411
Email: ebc@ebc1837.com
Affiliated with SVBA: 2007
PASTOR: Rev. Steve Hubbard
PASTORAL ASSISTANT: Christopher Johnson
Emery Rowdyshell
Sunday Worship - 8:15am & 11:00am
Sunday Life Groups- 9:45am
Sunday Evening- Youth 180 - 5:30pm
Sunday Evening - Olympians, Gopher- 5:30pm
Sunday Evening-Christian Life University- 5:30pm
Wednesday- Prayer Time 7:00pm
Wednesday- Bible Study- 7:30pm
Membership: 446
Worship Attendance: 433
Sunday School Average: 262
Vacation Bible School: 288
Anchored in Christ Archery Club
Backpacks of Hope
Choir Ministry
Children's Ministry
Christmas Toy Ministry
Disciples Ministry
Drama Ministry
Fair Ministry
Hope Center
Healthy Living 101
Jail Ministry
Men's Ministry
Mom's Night Out
Operation Christmas Child
Prayer Ministry
Secret Sister Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Woman Missionary Union
Youth Ministry
Location: Perry County
Population of Township: 671
Community: 3.1 square miles
Average age: 35
Average Income: $34,383
Ancestry-German, United States
Time To Work: 28 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Logan- 5 miles
- Sugar Grove – 11.5 miles
- Breman – 11.5 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services
- Manufacturing and Trade

Ebenezer Baptist Church was organized in 1837 with a small group consisting of Henson Marlow, William Homes, John Carfman, Elder Madden and S.D. Alton. They met in their log homes with preachers coming occasionally. Ebenezer Baptist Church was officially formed in August 1838 when they met to prepare Articles of Faith. Affiliation was with the Regular Baptist of Jesus Christ. A log church was built and used until a new facility was built in 1867. At the close of the second decade, the church had grown to more than 60 members. They ordained many men to the ministry and sent several to the mission field.
It was in March 1903, that a committee was formed to solicit funds for the purpose of building a belfry and purchasing a church bell. This endeavor cost $300. At the close of the first 100 years, the church was meeting for worship and praise twice a month. The church also had a Sunday School and an active youth group. Five women met to organize a women's missionary society in January 1935.
Many extensive improvements were made to the facilities throughout the years. In 1949, the improvements included a full basement which provided space for Sunday School rooms, a force air furnace to replace the wood burning stoves. New flooring, carpeting and an electric organ was purchased in the early 1950's. The first wedding in the church building was held on September 22, 1957. An educational wing was built in 1974.
Ebenezer Baptist Church decided that the mission efforts and beliefs of Southern Baptists aligned with their own. In October 2007, the congregation affiliated with Scioto Valley Baptist Association.
A piece of property (61.9 acres ) adjacent to the church was given to the congregation in June 2007. With ground breaking services held in March 2008, the construction of new 12,500 square foot facility was begun. Builders for Christ from Birmingham, Alabama arrived in March of 2008 to help with this endeavor. This facility included a sanctuary, offices, classroom, kitchen and a multipurpose building. First services in the new facility were held in November 2008.
As the congregation continues to grow to new phase in the life of the church has begun. "Legacy of Hope". This new phase was presented in April 2016. It includes enlargement of the current sanctuary, new foyer and gathering place and more classroom space. Construction is hoped to begin in 2017.
The congregation has been able to minster to their community in many unique ways. A Christian Bow Hunters Ministry and a Christian Bass Club was begun in 2008. A regional Archery Competition was held in 2010. Expanded men's, women's, youth and children ministries have all taken place.
For several year, the church has been actively supporting missions both financially and physically. Mission trips have been to South Texas, Mexico, Haiti and Nicaragua. They have also participated in Builders for Christ.
In 2010, Tim Coleman accepted the call as Pastoral Assistant with emphasis on Youth and Music. He was ordained into the Ministry in 2013. Seeking God's leadership the congregation extended a call to Christopher Johnson as Pastor Administrator and to Emery Howdyshell as Pastoral Support.
Student Ministries are an important aspect of the church's vision. In 2012, a Sunday night service called "I Fuel" was begin on the campus of Hocking College, Nelsonville. The college recognized the church for "Achievement in Promoting a Positive Influence Among Students On A College Campus". Several have accepted Christ and have been baptized in the college's swimming pool.
Seeing the need to aid smaller struggling churches, Ebenezer Baptist Church partnered with Glouster Southern Baptist Church in 2013. They ordained and are helping with the salary of their pastor, Phillip Westenbarger. A clothing ministry (Hope Clothing Center) was begun in Glouster with their aid.