40 Connett Road (PO Box 163)
The Plains, Ohio 45780
Organized: 2003
PASTOR: Rev. John Beckett
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Worship- 10:40am
Wednesday- 7:00pm
Membership: 33
Worship Attendance: 21
Sunday School: Average: 14
Bapitst Women- 2nd Tuesday 7:00pm
Location: Athens County
Population of The Plains: 3,080
Community: 2.3 square miles
Average age: 44
Average Income: $35,609
Ancestry: German and Irish
Travel To Work: 11 minutes
Nearest Towns:
- Athens – 4.6 miles
- Nelsonville – 8.9 miles
- Education, Health
- Social Services, Accomodations
- Retail Trade, Food Service,
- Athens High School
- The Plains Elementary School

A group of thirteen people felt led to start a mission in The Plains, Ohio, as there was not a Southern Bapitst Church in the Village. The group first met in the home of Dave and Ruth Wilson on Hartman Road in The Plains. Bible Study and worship were their core foundation. The group would rotate between the homes for meetings. Rohr Road Baptist Church, Lockbourne Ohio, agreed to be the sponsor on August 10, 2003.
Because of growth and the need to plant a church in The Plains, they started looking for property. A building located next to the Main Street in The Plains at 2 South Plains Road was rented and renovated. The first service was held in October 2003. James McCmaish was called as Interim Pastor in 2003. He retired in 2008. The following year, Tim Coleman accepted the call as mission pastor serving until 2009. Lamar O'Bryant was called as Interim Pastor in 2010.
During the summer of 2010, the congregation sponsored a "Concert At the Park with 60 in attendance.
In December 2011, the congregation purchased property at 40 Connett Road, The Plains. A house was renovated for worship and Sunday School space. With the aid of some volunteers form Scioto Valley Baptist Association, a new sanctuary was erected adjourning the existing facilities in 2013. Constitution and Building Dedication services was held on October 25, 2014. Bart Clark was called as pastor (2014-2015).
Throughout the years, The Plains Baptist Church has been actively involved in ministries such as The Christmas Shoe Box; Christmas in August; Back to School Supplies; Clothing Give-A-Way.